- Session 1, July 1st, 9:00 – 10h05: Haptic Perception Across Modalities
- Session 2, July 1st, 14:00 – 16:00: Haptic Devices and Rendering
- Session 3, July 2nd, 9:00 – 10:05: Mid-Air and Ultrasonic Haptics
- Session 4, July 2nd, 14:30 – 16:15: Haptic Illusions and Perception
- Session 5, July 3rd, 9:00 – 10:05: Vibrotactile and Electrotactile Feedback
- Session 6, July 3rd, 14:30 – 16:00: Multisensory Integration and VR
Session 1 – Haptic Perception Across Modalities
July 1st, 9:00 – 10:05
Chairs: Ilana Nisky, Jan van Erp
- Evaluating tactile interactions with fine textures obtained with femtosecond laser surface texturing. G. Schuhler, H. Zahouani, J. Faucheu, Y. Di Maio, R. Vargiolu, M. W. Rutland
- Comparing Ultrasonic and Force Feedback to Foster Older Adults’ Engagement in Cognitive Activities Facilitated by a Social Robot. Emilyann Nault, Lynne Baillie, and Frank Broz
- Humans terminate their haptic explorations according to an interplay of task demands and motor effort. Michaela Jeschke, Anna Metzger and Knut Drewing
- Recognition of 2D shapes with varying complexity and thickness on an ultrasonic tactile display. Baptiste Rohou–Claquin, Anis Kaci, Betty Lemaire-Semail, and David Gueorguiev
- Conception and Design of a Dual-Property Haptic Stimuli Database – Integrating Stochastic Roughness and Elasticity. Karina Kirk Driller, Camille Fradet, Vincent Hayward , and Jess Hartcher-O’Brien
Session 2 – Haptic Devices and Rendering
July 1st, 14:30 – 16:00
Chairs: Mounia Ziat, Kouta Minamizawa
- Design of Haptic Rendering Techniques for Navigating with a Multi-Actuator Vibrotactile Handle. Pierre-Antoine Cabaret, Claudio Pacchierotti, Marie Babel , and Maud Marchal
- Viscous damping displayed by surface haptics improves touchscreen interactions. Zhaochong Cai and Michaël Wiertlewski
- Effects of Rendering Discrete Force Feedback on the Wrist during Virtual Exploration. Samet Mert Ercan, Ayoade Adeyemi, and Mine Sarac
- The TIP Benchmark: A Tactile Image-Based Psychophysics-Inspired Benchmark for Artificial Tactile Sensors. Tianyi Liu and Benjamin Ward-Cherrier
- A Direct-drive, Wearable Armband Device to Experiment Combined Continuous and Vibrotactile Haptic Feedback for Guidance in Motor Tasks. Ali KhalilianMotamed Bonab, Cristian Camardella, Antonio Frisoli, and Daniele Leonardis
- Tactile Clip: A Wearable Device for Inducing Softness Illusion through Skin Deformation. Hikari Yukawa, Natsuno Asano, Arata Horie, Kiryu Tsujita, Takatoshi Yoshida, Kouta Minamizawa, and Yoshihiro Tanaka
- Blindfolded operation as a method of haptic feedback design for mobile machinery. Victor Zhidchenko, Egor Startcev, and Heikki Handroos
Session 3 – Mid-air and Ultrasonic Haptics
July 2nd, 9:00 – 10:05
Chairs: Orestis Georgiou, Yasemin Vardar
- Exploring the range of softness perception presented by spatiotemporal modulation in mid-air ultrasound haptic displays. Qingyu Sun, Mingxin Zhang, Yasutoshi Makino, and Hiroyuki Shinoda
- Towards Intensifying Perceived Pressure in Midair Haptics: Comparing Perceived Pressure Intensity and Skin Displacement between LM and AM Stimuli. Tao Morisaki and Yusuke Ujitoko
- Surface Tactile Presentation to the Palm Using an Aerial Ultrasound Tactile Display. Naoki Kishi, Atsushi Matsubayashi, Yasutoshi Makino, and Hiroyuki Shinoda
- Latency Compensation in Ultrasound Tactile Presentation by Linear Prediction of Hand Posture. Atsushi Matsubayashi, Yasutoshi Makino and Hiroyuki Shinoda
- A Feasibility Study of Tactile Enhancement of Mid-Air Ultrasonic Stimulation by Wrist Vibration. Dong-Geun Kim and Seungmoon Choi
Session 4 – Haptic Illusions and Perception
July 2nd, 14:30 – 16:15
Chairs: Astrid Kappers, Michael Wiertlewski
- Exploring Mental Representations of Material Categories through a Thermal Display. Mizuki Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki Kajimoto and Hsin-Ni Ho
- Measuring the distribution of tactile acuity at the fingertips. Michiru Sobue, Soma Kato, Izumi Mizoguchi, and Hiroyuki Kajimoto
- To touch or not to touch: The linkage between viscosity and unpleasantness. Müge Cavdan and Knut Drewing
- Apparent Thermal Motion on the Forearm. Tim Moesgen, Hsin-Ni Ho, and Yu Xiao
- Analysis of Thermal Properties of Artificial Fingers for Recording Thermal Transients During Hand-Object Interactions. Naoki Kameyama and Hsin-Ni Ho
- On the relation of skin stretch and finger joint angle evolution in human hand grasping tasks. Eleonora Fontana, Vincenzo Catrambone, Manuel Catalano, Antonio Bicchi, and Matteo Bianchi
- Utilizing Absence of Pacinian Corpuscles in the Forehead for Amplitude-Modulated Tactile Presentation. Yuma Akiba, Shota Nakayama, Keigo Ushiyama, Izumi Mizoguchi, and Hiroyuki Kajimoto
- Human Identification Performance of Vibrotactile Stimuli Applied on the Torso along Azimuth or Elevation. Junwoo Kim, Jaejun Park, Chaeyong Park, Junseok Park, and Seungmoon Choi
Session 5 – Vibrotactile and Electrotactile Feedback
July 3rd, 9:00 – 10:05
Chairs: Seungmoon Choi, Sabrina Panëels
- Participatory Design for In-Vehicle Vibrotactile Warnings on Driver’s Seat. Dajin Lee, Jaejun Park, Jeonggoo Kang, Taekun Yun, Dong-Chul Park, and Seungmoon Choi
- The Effects of Simulated Driving on Perceived Urgency Elicited by Vibration Stimulation. Wanjoo Park, Ahmed Elsaid, Natty Metekie, and Mohamad Eid
- Pseudo-Frequency Modulation: A New Rendering Technique for Virtual Textures. Paras Kumar and Rebecca F. Friesen
- Do Vibrotactile Patterns on both Hands Improve Guided Navigation with a Walker ? Inès Lacôte, Pierre-Antoine Cabaret, Claudio Pacchierotti, Marie Babel, David Gueorguiev, and Maud Marchal
- Study of Cathodic Electrotactile Stimulus Current Estimation on Fingertip using Individual Skin Electrical Impedance and Machine Learning. Vibol Yem, Yasushi Ikei and Hiroyuki Kajimoto
Session 6 – Multisensory Integration and VR
July 3rd, 14:30 – 16:00
Chairs: Yoshihiro Tanaka, Heather Culbertson
- Audiovisual-Haptic Simultaneity Perception Across the Body for Multisensory Applications. Jiwan Lee, Gyeore Yun and Seungmoon Choi
- Emotional Dimensions of the Cutaneous Rabbit Illusion in Virtual Reality: The Interplay of Visual and Tactile Stimuli. Mounia Ziat, Ahmed Farooq, Kimmo Ronkainen, Shuangshuang Xiao, and Roope Raisamo
- The Interplay of Vision and Referred Haptic Feedback in VR Environments. Elyse D. Z. Chase and Marcia K. O’Malley
- Asymmetric Hit-stop for Multi-user Virtual Reality Applications: Reducing Discomfort with the Movement of Others by Making Hit-stop Invisible. Shinnosuke Noguchi, Keigo Matsumoto, Yuki Ban, and Takuji Narumi
- Optimizing Haptic Feedback in Virtual Reality: The Role of Vibration and Tangential Forces in Enhancing Grasp Response and Weight Perception. Yunxiu Xu, Siyu Wang, and Shoichi Hasegawa
- Audio-Tactile Integration: Concurrent Audio Feedback Can Shift Vibrotactile Frequency Perception. Waseem Hassan and Kasper Hornbæk
- Comparison of perceptual characteristics of vibrotactile and squeezing stimuli in haptic devices. Chikato Ikejiri, Hikari Yukawa, and Yoshihiro Tanaka