Download the PDF version of the Call for paper here
The conference encourages researchers, engineers and students to submit quality papers in the following areas:
- Haptic interface design and control
- Haptic sensors and actuators
- Haptic rendering and modeling
- Shared control and collaboration
- Robotic manipulation
- Human haptic perception
- Haptics in multisensory perception
- Neuroscience of touch
- Human sensorimotor control and learning
- Human-computer interaction
- Haptic design tools
- Haptics in VR/AR and multimodal systems
- Physical human-robot interaction
- Applications of haptics in health, art and design, and other relevant areas
Technical Papers: Accepted papers will be presented at the conference in oral or poster formats. All accepted papers are published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer. Maximum 12 pages, including references.
Workshops: Half or full day workshop proposals are encouraged on emerging topics. More details about the submission will be available on the website.
Work In Progress: Submissions can represent relatively early stages of technological development or research with the aim to benefit from discussions with the community. They must not be under consideration or published elsewhere – 3 pages limit.
Demos: Short proposals for demonstrations will be reviewed for relevance and quality. Hands-on demonstrations can be part of any paper category but can also be submitted independently.
Industry Forum: Companies and start-ups are invited to engage with the community by displaying products and services related to haptics. Exhibits are displayed on-site during the full conference.
Arts & Design Track: Short proposals for artistic performances, installations and other exhibitions showcasing haptics will be accepted for inclusion in this year’s conference. Work will be evaluated on novelty, execution, and contribution to the scientific and research discourse surrounding haptics. Submissions do not require a sponsoring institution.