The Work In Progress are Poster Discussion scheduled on Monday, 1st of July, 16:45 – 19:00, Floor 2
WIP-1: Pinchable Device with Drive Unit for Illusory Pulling Sensations
Takeshi Tanabe
WIP-2: Refreshable braille display using wave focusing and bistable pins
Esteban Madoux, Charles Hudin
WIP-3: Role of Viscoelastic Adhesion on Tactile Perception of Stickiness
Nishtha Pant and Charles B. Dhong
WIP-4: Study of a Friction Modulation Haptic Interface Based on Thin-film AlN Actuators
Théotime Goubault, Fabrice Casset, Sébastien Brulais, Kevin Benedetto, Gwenael Le Rhun, Mikael Colin
WIP-5: Smart Bed WIP Paper
Tarek Marwan Tawfik and Yoshikatsu Hayashi
WIP-6: Pedagogy with Force-Feedback Interaction at Grenoble Alpes University, France
Nicolas Castagne, Florence Marchi, Claude Cadoz
WIP-7: Effect of Weight and Position of Wearable Haptic Device on Typing Performance
Yusuke Ujitoko, Tao Morisaki
WIP-8: Command-Button Hard-Stops in Automotive Environment
Shinara Utegenova and Jean-Daniel Alzingre
WIP-9: Transition between deformation modes of a buckled beam using piezoelectric actuators
Taha Ajnada , Christophe Giraud-Audine , Frédéric Giraud, and Betty Lemaire-Semail
WIP-10: Ferrofluid-Based Soft Electromagnetic Actuator
Evan Rimer, Keyvan Hashtrudi-Zaad, and Matthew Robertson
WIP-11: Resonant Relaxation: Affective State Change via Procedurally Generated Haptics
Vincent Göke, Jose Maria B. Santiago, Moritz Sendner, Daniel Shor
WIP-12: Digital Social Touch Toolkit: a research tool for studying attitudes towards digital touch
Merel M. Jung , Anouk Keizer, Gijs Huisman, Laura A Dima, Karen Lancel, Hermen Maat, and Jan van Erp
WIP-13: Role of Frictional Instabilities on Fine Touch Perception
Maryanne Derkaloustian and Charles B. Dhong
WIP-14: Design of Hairy 3D Printed Samples for Haptic Feedback
Antoine Bout, Sylvain Guégan and Maud Marchal
WIP-15: SoftHand Pro Haptic Framework
Alessia Ivani, Federica Barontini, Manuel Catalano, Giorgio Grioli, Matteo Bianchi, Antonio Bicchi
WIP-16: Initial Study to Create a Sensation of Wetness by Combined Temperature and Vibration Stimuli
Fady Youssef , Dzenis Ajdinovic and Thorsten A. Kern
WIP-17: The Perceptual Space of Vibrotactile Stimulation
Jeremy Marozeau, Mario Prsa, Aleksandra Novozhilova and Daniel Huber
WIP-18: Improving remote tactile interaction: integrating force-based localization to control artificial touch on the forearm with haptic feedback
Alireza Abbasimoshaei, Omkar Chandrakant Kshirsagar, Dominik Laatz, Laura A Dima and Thorsten Alexander Kern
WIP-19: Automatic skin layer segmentation and 3D volume reconstruction from OCT images
James Hall, Hannes Saal
WIP-20: See What You Feel: Visualizing Static Haptic Scenes
Emmanuel K Wilson, Juliette Regimbal, Jeremy Cooperstock
WIP-21: The difference between hands in the perception of the stiffness of virtual elastic objects
Shani Arusi, Raz Leib and Ilana Nisky
WIP-22: Hierarchical exploration of artworks through 2-DOF haptic device: a usability study
Lilia Djoussouf, Nicolas Charafe, Ilies Mohammed-Riad Zizi, Christele Lecomte, Katerine Romeo
WIP-23: Investigation of the haptic rendering of high jumping in virtual reality using a one degree of freedom seated haptic foot platform.
Matteo Cecamore, Ildar Farkhatdinov
WIP-24: Embodying an Artificial Tail: Exploring Neural Adaptation to New Body Dynamics
Mamoru Ueda and Yoshikatsu Hayashi
WIP-25: Exploring the Influence of Spatial Sensorimotor Mismatch on Soma-tosensory Processing: Insights from a VR-EEG Study
Matteo Girondini, Andrea Serino, Alberto Gallace
WIP-26: Physiological and Perceptual Responses to Objects Presented in Visual and Tactile Modalities
Maria Rosa Bufo, Mariama Dione, Roger Holmes Watkins and Rochelle Ackerley
WIP-27: A Thin Flexible Optical Tactile Sensor Array
Olivia Leslie, David Córdova Bulens, Stephen J Redmond
WIP-28: Errors in Long-Term Robotic Surgical Training
Hanna Kossowsky, Yarden Sharon, Alex Geftler, Ilana Nisky
WIP-29: Mid-air haptic interface using a hybrid PMUT array
F. Casset, A. Rascle, C. Prat, L. Gerfault, S. Brulais, L. Peris y Saborit, C. Breal, R. Perrier, D. Mermin, R. Franiatte, M. Kazar Mendes, J. Dechamp, D. Rolland, M. Colin
WIP-30: Enhancing Epidural Training with Feedback
Nitsan Davidor, Yair Binyamin, Ilana Nisky
WIP-31: Stiffness Perception with Delayed Visual Feedback in Unimanual and Bimanual Interactions
Ido Gurevich, Shani Arusi, Ilana Nisky
WIP-32: Aesthetic and affective dimensions explaining variation in tactile perception of periodic patterns
Takumi Yokosaka, Rikako Sumida, Tomoko OHTANI, Kazushi Maruya
WIP-33: Haptemes in (Social-)Haptic Communication Devices
Raymond John Holt, Dr Riitta Lahtinen, Dr Russ Palmer
WIP-34: Relationship between Stiffness of Texture Material and Perceived Roughness: A Numerical Analysis
Toru Hamasaki, Masami Iwamoto
WIP-35: Characterization of touch perception on the torso
Sophia Faresse, Rochelle Ackerley
WIP-36: Intensity and location of vibrotactile patterns on the torso modulate their valence and arousal
Nedim Goktepe, Müge Cavdan, Knut Drewing
WIP-37: Friction Perception on Fine and Coarse Textured Surfaces
Maja Fehlberg, Roland Bennewitz
WIP-38: Data Haptification as Feedback for Haptic Interactions – Multi-Parameter Monitoring during Planning Tasks
Markus Berger, Martin Wogan, Joern Ploennigs
WIP-39: Development of a Novel, Low-Cost Accelerometer System for Recording Vibration Propagation over the Skin
Sarah Bonnet , Roger Holmes Watkins , Heidy Daumas and Rochelle Ackerley
WIP-40: Sensory evaluation of tactile devices
Jeanne Favrot , Jean-François Bassereau , Jenny Faucheu
WIP-41: Tactile properties of everyday materials for inducing a body illusion
Takumi Yokosaka, Yutaro Sato, Kenri Kodaka
WIP-42: Flexible Vibrotactile Actuator based on Electroactive Polymer
Sang-Youn Kim, Eun-Jin Jung, Yong Hae Heo
WIP-43: A Grasping Task with Soft Objects to Understand Visuo-Haptic Cross-modal Effects
jenna fradin, Elodie Bouzbib, Andre Mouraux, David Gueorguiev
WIP-44: The Impact of Velocity on Pleasantness Rating of Brush Stimulation vs. Apparent Haptic Motion
Thanh-loan Sarah Le, Dimitri Vinet, Gilles Bailly, Malika Auvray and David Gueorguiev
WIP-45: Dermaphone: Using Photogrammetry-based Data Driven Vibrotactile Texture Rendering to Simulate Skin Lesions for Dermatology Students using a Smartphone
Aleera Ewan, Haya Alani, Joshua Brown
WIP-46: Ultra shear force generation using local resonant metamaterial
Mondher Ouari, Matthieu Guédra, Anis Kaci, Frederic GIRAUD, Christophe Giraud-audine, Matthieu Rupin
WIP-47: Decoding passive tactile shape from functional MRI signals
Trung Quang Pham, Hoang Xuan Tran, Hiep Hoang Ly, Hiroki Ishizuka, Junichi Chikazoe,
WIP-48: Can OCT Imaging and FE Simulations assist us Tackle Fingertip micromechanics?
Guillaume Duprez, James Hall, Hannes Saal, Benoit P Delhaye, Laurent Delannay,
WIP-49: Which Mid-Air Haptic Feedback Technique Should We Use for Contact Rendering in Virtual Reality?
Lendy Mulot, Claudio Pacchierotti, Maud Marchal
WIP-50: The Vibrotactile Pitch of Amplitude Modulated Stimuli
Alice Taylor, Daniel Huber, jeremy Marozeau,
WIP-51: Tactile tuning after object manipulation with unreliable tactile feedback
Athina Nestoropoulou, Katja Fiehler, Dimitris Voudouris
WIP-52: Do we habituate to pleasant touch? Insights from event-related brain potentials (ERPs)
Xiaoqin Cheng, Annett Schirmer
WIP-53: Impairment of Tactile Acuity Under Chemical Stimulation of Thermoreceptors
Junjie Hua, Masahiro Furukawa, Taro Maeda
WIP-54: Social Implementation of Tactile Communication in Avatar Robots Operated by Physically Disabled Persons
Naoki Nakada, Kaiyu Miura, Kazuaki Takeuchi, Giulia Barbareschi, Hikari Yukawa, Tsukuto Yamada, Yoichi Yamazaki, Ryuma Niiyama, Kentaro Yoshifuji, Kouta Minamizawa, and Yoshihiro Tanaka
WIP-55: Influence of Intensity Balance in Vibrotactile Stimuli to the Back and Buttock on the Sense of Realism to Video Viewing
Honoka Morita, Yoshihiro Tanaka
WIP-56: A Self-Sensing Vibrotactile Transducer for Bidirectional Tactile Interaction
Matthew Davison, Andrew McPherson,
WIP-57: Interactive Expert Agent to Collaborate with Humans in Real-Time
Hasan Kara, Toshiyuki Kondo, Yoshikatsu Hayashi
WIP-58: Using Haptic Feedback in Digital Rectal Examination Training
Sizhe Tian, Yinoussa Adagolodjo, Jeremie Dequidt,
WIP-59: Helicanthe Haptic Multisensory Musical workstation: Application to Quetzalcoatl, a musical and visual ongoing artwork
Nicolas Castagne, Claude Cadoz, Annie Luciani
WIP-60: JetStick: Using Air Jet Tactile Feedback to Prevent Aircraft Stalls
Dong-Bach Vo, Sylvain Pauchet, Jérémy Marceau, Mathis Guibert
WIP-61: Skin expansion can produce an illusion of slipperiness
Laurence Willemet, Michael Wiertlewski, Edward Adelson
WIP-62: Consent in mediated social touch: designing non-intrusive wearable technology
Dasha Kolesny, Angelika Mader and Marieke van Doorn
WIP-63: The effect of exploration speed on vibratory signals in haptic perception of materials
Anna Metzger, Matteo Toscani