Eurohaptics Conferences
In even years, the Society organizes the Eurohaptics Conference, the major conference in the field of haptics. In odd years, the Eurohaptics Society rejoins other professional societies in the field to organize IEEE World Haptics.
The next IEEE World Haptics conference will be held in Delft, The Netherlands, in July 2023 (, while the next Eurohaptics Conference will be held in Lille, France, in 2024.
Below we report a list of past Eurohaptics conferences.
- Eurohaptics 2022 (Hamburg, Germany), hosted by the Hamburg University of Technology.
- WorldHaptics 2021 (Virtual), hosted by Queen’s Univ. and École de technologie supérieure.
- Eurohaptics 2020 (Leiden, The Netherlands), hosted by TNO and the Univ. of Twente.
- WorldHaptics 2019 (Tokyo, Japan), hosted by Univ. of Tokyo and Univ. of Electro-Communication.
- Eurohaptics 2018 (Pisa, Italy), hosted by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.
- WorldHaptics 2017 (Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany), hosted by Technical Univ. of Munich.
- Eurohaptics 2016 (London, UK), hosted by Imperial College London.
- WorldHaptics 2015 (Chicago, USA), hosted by Northwestern Univ.
- EuroHaptics 2014 (Versailles, France), hosted by Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie.
- WorldHaptics 2013 (Daejeon, Korea), hosted by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
- EuroHaptics 2012 (Tampere, Finland), hosted by Univ. of Tampere.
- WorldHaptics 2011 (Istanbul, Turkey), hosted by Koç Univ.
- EuroHaptics 2010 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), hosted by VU Univ. Amsterdam.
- WorldHaptics 2009 (Salt Lake City, USA), hosted by Univ. of Utah.
- EuroHaptics 2008 (Madrid, Spain), hosted by Univ. Politecnica de Madrid.
- WorldHaptics 2007 (Tsukuba, Japan), hosted by Univ. of Tsukuba.
- EuroHaptics 2006 (Paris, France), hosted by Univ. d’Evry.
- WorldHaptics 2005 (Pisa, Italy), hosted by Univ. degli Studi di Pisa and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.
- EuroHaptics 2004 (Munich, Germany), hosted by Technische Univ. München.
- EuroHaptics 2003 (Dublin, Ireland), co-hosted by Trinity College Dublin and Media Lab Europe.
- EuroHaptics 2002 (Edinburgh, UK), hosted by the Univ. of Edinburgh and Edinburgh College of Art.
- EuroHaptics 2001 (Birmingham, UK), hosted by the Univ. of Birmingham.
Best PhD Award
Every year, the EuroHaptics Society awards a prize for the best PhD thesis of the year. The EuroHaptics Society PhD Award competition is open to all candidates, who in a broad sense disserted on a topic of relevance to the science and/or technology of haptics in the considered year. The award is endowed with 1.000 €.
Candidates must be a member of the EuroHaptics Society or have a recommendation letter from a EuroHaptics Society member involved in the thesis, such as a PhD advisor, committee member, or head of the research group.
Below we report a list of past award winners.
- Laurence Willemet, Thesis title: “Biomechanics of the tactile perception of friction” (2021)
- Yitian Shao, Thesis title: “Tactile Sensing, Information, and Feedback via Wave Propagation” (2020)
- Caitlyn E. Seim, Thesis title: “Wearable Vibrotactile Stimulation: How Passive Stimulation Can Train and Rehabilitate” (2019)
- Yasemin Vardar, Thesis title: “Tactile perception by electrovibration” (2018)
- Hasti Seifi, Thesis title: “Personalizing Haptics – From Individuals’ Sense-Making Schemas to End-User Haptic Tools” (2017)
- Femke van Beek, Thesis title: “Making sense of haptics – Fundamentals of haptic perception and their implications for haptic device design” (2016)
- Alessandro Altobelli, Thesis title: “Development and Validation of Haptic Devices for Studies on Human Grasp and Rehabilitation” (2015)
- Claudio Pacchierotti, Thesis title: “Cutaneous haptic feedback in robotic teleoperation” (2014)
- Ignacio Galiana Bujanda, Thesis title: “Design and Control of Multi-Finger Haptic Devices for Dexterous Manipulation” (2013)
- René Weller, Thesis title: “New Geometric Data Structures for Collision Detection” (2012)
- Michael Wiertlewski, Thesis title: “Reproduction of Tactual Textures: Transducers, Mechanics, and Signal Encoding” (2011)
- Evren Samur, Thesis title: “Systematic Evaluation Methodology and Performance Metrics for Haptic Interfaces” (2010)
Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems
This Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems focuses on monographs in the form of edited volumes covering general topics in haptics as well as selected PhD theses.
More information can be found on the series’ webpage.
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